Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Make(ing) Up for Lost Time

I have a confession. For someone who has spent 90% of her adult life, on a daily basis wearing little more than tinted moisturizer, chapstick and mascara, I am obsessed with make up.

It's a weird obsession, because I don't really like learning how to put it on, or actually wearing it for that matter. For example, I think I own like 15 different types of highlighter and 3+ contour kits, and I don't have the faintest clue what the fuck to do with any of it.  That said, I am still obsessed with buying different palates of things, and um, well, stuffing them into a drawer, waiting for a rainy day to try them out. 

I figure my make up ownership is kinda like exercise equipment.  Owning it should usurp the need to use it, and by merely owning it, magically, I'll be slimmer, trimmer, stronger, just on the principle of ownership.  With make up, owning it magically removes lines and creases around my eyes and forehead, and moisturizes my skin, giving me a more youthful appearance, and of course automatically makes my eyes appear larger, and lashes thicker and fuller.... ah!  the magic of ownership!

Yeah, yeah, it's faulty logic, but it's my faulty logic.

Anyway,  I have decided as part of the work/life balancing project of Shelter in Place thanks to Covid-19, that my rainy day has arrived.  Yes, that's right.  I have decided to bust out much of the make up that has been waiting patiently for me to try it, and see what it's like.

So this is my fair warning to everyone out there.  If you see me at the grocery store looking like something from Fraggle Rock.  Don't worry, I'm just experimenting, and likely forgot I put it on before stepping out of the house.

 I don't know if I'll get through the crazy extensive inventory - but it's worth a shot.   Maybe I will even develop a method to the madness so I can describe how I applied it when something works out in the positive (or what ever).  And I'll try to put links to stuff in here too, in case anyone wants to try something out as well.

Stay tuned!

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