Monday, April 13, 2020

How to Make a Face Mask with velcro opening.

First let me just say, I am not a fan of the face mask.  I do not like things touching my face, it's one of the reasons why I have about a million gaiters for the snow, and I never ever wear any of them.

But, before anyone gets their knickers in a twist..    yes, they are now mandatory, and yes, I will wear one during my limited time in public (which is now going to get even more limited.. because uh facemasks.)   If you need me, I'll be the person social distancing in my back yard, annoying the neighbors by playing my favorite albums from Tiffany and Debbie Gibson.

Without further complaints, I give you my pattern for Face Masks which actually has a velco pocket in it so you can put added filter material. They say using a hepa vacuum filter adds a good deal of protection (go for it!) or a coffee filter, or added material, what ever you find clever.  My mask just makes it easier for you to get the stuff in and out.

Fabric - cotton (read the CDC website if you need more info)
Elastic -
Velcro Dots - (or other velcro - up to you.)
Thread & Needle  or a sewing machine
Iron & Ironing Board.

1) Cut a piece of paper (for your pattern, either 9"x 6" or 10" x 7" depending on how big your face is.)

2) Lay the pattern on your fabric, but lay it on a fold (this makes one less thing you have to sew together.

3) Iron down the long edges 1/4" inch

4) Stitch down each of the edges.  This will later be your velcro pocket.

5) Line up your pieces of elastic.   I find that 6" works better for the 10 x 7 and 7" for the 9 x 6.

6) Flip over your folded top portion and stitch down both the sides to secure the elastic.  I like to do this twice to make it extra secure.

7) Flip the now little purse looking thing right side out.

8) Iron the sucker flat.

9) Fold it in half and iron it again.

10) open it and fold each side into the middle.   Iron it. 

11) Open it up and look at your pleats. Admire them. Then pinch them together down towards the open part. 

12) Stitch over both sides twice to secure the pleats. & Stitch across the top once because it's lonely and wants a little decoration.

13) Attach the velcro dots onto the original seams you made at the bottom of the mask.  Press together tightly to bond to glue.  If you are worried put a few stitches into them. But the glue usually gums up the machine.  If you press them with the iron to heat them up, you will get a good solid staying velcro that will last through many washes. 

14) Fill with your filter material of choice - make sure you use proper CDC guidelines and all that happy stuff for putting on and taking off your mask.   

** Note** either size will fit the N95 mask inside it if you need it to.

I'd say enjoy, but there isn't really anything joyous about sewing PPE....   so stay safe and be well.

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